Links to Species Photos - Polygalaceae (Milkworts) to Ranunculaceae (Buttercups)
Click on species name to go to photo album. Where there are two or more photographs of the same species the link will go to the first in the album. Click on BSBI to go to Botanical Society of Britain and Ireland for species map.
Persicaria amphibia (Amphibious Bistort) - BSBI
Persicaria hydropiper (Water-pepper) - BSBI
Rumex acetosella (Sheep's Sorrel) - BSBI
Polygonum aviculare (Common Knotgrass) - BSBI
Potamogeton coloratus (Fen Pondweed) - BSBI
Cyclamen repandum (Spring Sowbread) - BSBI
Lysimachia arvensis (Scarlet Pimpernel) - BSBI
Lysimachia minima (Chaffweed) - BSBI
Lysimachia nemorum (Yellow Pimpernel) - BSBI
Lysimachia tenella (Bog Pimpernel) - BSBI
Primula veris (Cowslip) - BSBI
Samolus valerandi (Brookweed) - BSBI
Anemome apennina (Blue Anenome) - BSBI
Anemone nemorosa (Wood Anemone) - BSBI
Caltha palustris (Marsh-marigold) - BSBI
Clematis vitalba (Traveller's-joy) - BSBI
Ficaria verna (Lesser Celandine) - BSBI
Ranunculus bulbosus (Bulbous Buttercup) - BSBI
Ranunculus flammula (Lesser Spearwort) - BSBI
Ranunculus tripartitus (Three-lobed Crowfoot) - BSBI
Thalictrum minus (Lesser Meadow-rue) - BSBI