Cors Goch NWWT reserve
North Wales Naturalists Trust (NWWT) reserve and National Nature Reserve. Open water, basic fen, limestone pavement and acid heath
Achillea ptarmica (Sneezewort)
Achillea ptarmica (Sneezewort)
Achillea ptarmica (Sneezewort)
Angelica sylvestris (Wild Angelica)
Angelica sylvestris (Wild Angelica)
Antennaria dioica (Mountain Everlasting)
Centaurea nigra (Common Knapweed)
Drosera rotundifolia (Round-leaved Sundew)
Eupatorum cannabinum (Hemp Agrimony)
Euphrasia nemorosa (Common Eyebright)
Gentiana pneumonanthe (Marsh Gentian)
Cors Goch, NWWT reserve and NNR
Gentiana pneumonanthe (Marsh Gentian)
Cors Goch, NWWT reserve and NNR
Gentiana pneumonanthe (Marsh Gentian)
unusual white form Cors Goch, NWWT reserve and NNR
Juncus bulbosus (Bulbous Rush)
Lithospermum officinale (Common Gromwell)
Lithospermum officinale (Common Gromwell)
Lotus corniculatus (Common Bird's-foot-trefoil)
Mentha aquatica (Water Mint)
Myrica gale (Bog Myrtle)
Oenanthe lachenalii (Parsley Water-dropwort)
Oenanthe lachenalii (Parsley Water-dropwort)